Elizabeth Ramsey: Stepmother starved her son to death, forced him to eat feces

Dallas woman convicted of starving stepson to death.

July 24, 2014

Elizabeth Ramsey, a 33-year-old stepmother, was found guilty of murdering her 10-year-old stepson by starvation. Johnathan Ramsey, who suffered from Asperger’s syndrome, was kept locked in his bedroom and closet by Elizabeth and Johnathan’s father, Aaron Ramsey. The pair fed their boy milk and bread, on occasion, and left young Johnathan starving, malnourished and emaciated. The 10-year-old was forced to eat his own excrement to try to survive.

Reuters news report, via MSN on July 23, said that the Texas parents dumped their son’s body in a creek bed after he died. Ramsey “faces up to 99 years in prison for her role in the 2011 death of Johnathan Ramsey. Her husband and the boy’s father, Aaron Ramsey, was sentenced to life in prison last year in the boy’s death,” says Reuters.

A jury on Tuesday didn’t need much time to pronounce a verdict – within minutes of the trial closing, Elizabeth Ramsey was found guilty. The sentencing phase of the trial began yesterday. It’s almost certain that she will receive a mirrored sentence along with her husband – life in prison for their inhuman treatment of their own boy.
During Thanksgiving dinner 2010 Elizabeth Ramsey who is described as a pathological liar by her family told everyone that she was pregnant with triplets and that Johnathan Ramsey had punched her in the stomach and she had a miscarriage, which prompted her to lock him in his room.”

During the trial it was revealed that Elizabeth was never pregnant.

For over six months, Johnathan was kept on what the Ramsey’s called a “military diet” – bread, milk and water – in order to “teach him a lesson.” Their boy went from a healthy weight of 90 pounds to under 60 pounds in a matter of a few months. His body wasted away in a locked bedroom, eventually failing completely. Elizabeth and Aaron made up excuses when family asked where he was – telling people that Johnathan was with his biological mother, Judy Williams, in New Mexico.

After months of keeping up this ruse, Aaron’s mother and father contacted authorities after confirming that Johnathan was not in New Mexico. Police searched the house and found evidence of abuse and starvation. According to court records, Aaron Ramsey changed his son into his “favorite t-shirt,” stuffed a bunch of dryer sheets in the sleeping bag to “mask the smell,” and dumped his body in a creek in a rural area south of Dallas in 2011. His body was found in 2012.

“Aaron Ramsey is a monster, but the one thing that defense counsel continues to leave out is that his wife, Elizabeth Ramsey, is also a monster,” prosecutor Jason Fine said. “Those two monsters came together and they take a sweet little boy, their son… and they lock him behind this door, put him on that deflated, dirty mattress and starve him to death.”

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